Carnival Glass Patterns: J - Q
Jacobean, aka Lord, aka Milord, Inwald: Inwald Tumblers, Inwald Gallery, Collectors Facts, Read All About It, NetworK #4, NetworK #12, NetworK #79
Jacobean, aka No. 15317 Line, U.S. Glass: NetworK #79
Jacob's Ladder, U.S. Glass: U.S. Glass Gallery
Janovals, probably Sowerby: Collectors Facts, Sowerby Gallery
"Jaws", aka Shark, Wheatoncraft (Contemporary): NetworK #87
Jefferson Comport, Fenton (Contemporary): Contemporary Carnival, NetworK #113
Jefferson Davis plate, L E Smith (Contemporary): L E Smith
Jenny figurine, Mosser for Vi Hunter (Contemporary): NetworK #51, Network #52
Jewelled Heart, Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Tumblers
Jewelled Peacock, Sowerby: Sowerby Gallery
Jewellery, Beads, Buttons, Hatpins, Handbags and more: The Height of Fashion
Jewelry Holder, Imperial (Contemporary): Pink Carnival
J N Ledford (aka Cooleemee) plate, Fenton: Fenton Gallery
Joan of Arc, LGW: Leinauer Glaswaren "LGW"
Jobling #1054, Jobling: Collectors Facts, Other English Gallery
Josefine Wreath, Libochovice: Story Behind the Glass, Collectors Facts
Josef's Plumes, aka "The Canterbury", Inwald: Inwald Gallery, NetworK #82
Josh figurine, Mosser for Vi Hunter: NetworK #51, Network #52
Jove, aka #119, L E Smith (Contemporary): NetworK #102
Juanita, probably Brazilian: South America Gallery
Jupiter, Riihimkaki: The Story Behind The Glass, Riihimaki Gallery
Kaaro, Riihimaki: Riihimaki Tumblers
Kaleidoscope, aka Lancaster #482, aka Yukon Gold, Lancaster Glass: NetworK #105
Kamei Peacock Tail (Contemporary), Kamei Glass Co: Kamei Peacock Tail
Kangaroo, Crown Crystal: Collectors Facts, Crown Crystal Gallery, Network #6, Stamp of Approval
Kangaroo Fakes: Collectors Facts, Fake Carnival Glass
Kansas Line, Lancaster Glass: NetworK #105
Karelia Sweet, Riihimaki: Riihimaki Gallery
Karhula Fountains, Karhula: Karhula Tumblers
Kaunas Glass Vases (Contemporary), Lithuania: Kaunas Glass
Keyhole (exterior pattern), Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Gallery
Keystone (OMN), L E Smith #388 Heritage Series, aka Omnibus (Contemporary): L E Smith
Killarney (Indiana #2877), Indiana Glass (Contemporary): "Goldentone"
Kingfisher and Variant, Crown Crystal: Collectors Facts, Crown Crystal Gallery, Foy and Gibson, Read All About It, NetworK #88
Kingfisher Fakes: Collectors Facts, Fake Carnival Glass
King James, possibly Rosice, Czechoslovakia: Collectors Facts
Kings Crown Wedding Bowl, (Indiana #1256), Indiana Glass (Contemporary): Indiana Glass, "Goldentone"
Kinly, maker unknown, India: Indian Gallery, Indian Tumbler Gallery
Kite and Panel, Imperial (Contemporary): Aurora Jewels
Kitten #5119, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton’s Cobalt Marigold
Kittens, Fenton: Fenton Gallery
Kitty, Wheatoncraft #110, Wheatoncraft (Contemporary): NetworK #87
Kiwi, Crown Crystal: Crystal Gallery, Blast from the Past
Knotted Beads, Fenton: Fenton Gallery
Koala, made for Summerland (Contemporary): Collectors Facts
Koh-i-Noor (aka Miniature Hobnail), Brockwitz: Brockwitz Gallery, Brilliant Brockwitz
Kokomo, maker uncertain, probably Matthew Turnbull: Turnbull Teasers
Kookaburra, Crown Crystal: Collectors Facts, Crown Crystal Gallery, Network #6, Stamp of Approval, NetworK #88
Knobby Bull's Eye Bell, #9061 (Contemporary), Fenton: NetworK #110
Kristallo, Brockwitz: Brockwitz Gallery
Kullervo, Riihimaki: Carnival Displays
Kulor, Eda: Eda Gallery
La Bella Rose, Imperial: Imperial Revival 1960s
La Belle Rose, aka Rose Ware, Lancaster Glass: NetworK #105
Lace (aka Princess Lace, aka Imperial Lace, #505), Imperial: Aurora Jewels, Pink 1978-82, Imperial Revival 1960s
Lace Variant (aka Imperial #536, aka Star and Cane), Imperial: Octagon and its lookalikes, Imperial Revival 1960s
Lacinho (Liqueur Ball), Esberard, Brazil: Esberard by Claudio Deveikis
Lacy Dewdrop, Phoenix: Other USA Gallery
Lady's Shoe, Wheatoncraft #120, Wheatoncraft (Contemporary): NetworK #87
Lagerkrans, Eda: Eda Gallery, Kutzscher Designs
Lamb / Miniature Lamb, Imperial (Contemporary): Sunburst Yellow, Amethyst Revival
Lancaster #482, aka Yukon Gold, aka Kaleidoscope, Lancaster Glass: NetworK #105
Lance Vase #4559, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton and Verlys
Lapa, Esberard, Brazil: NetworK #103
La Rochelle (OMN for Four Seventy Four), Imperial: Imperial Gallery, Imperial Tumblers, Story Behind the Glass, Cox and Lafferty, Bright Iridescent Shades
Late Sunflower, aka White Cosmos, Jeannette: Bob Smith Tumbler Gallery, The Jeannette Glass Story, Jeannette catalogues 1951 / 1964, NetworK #111
Lattice, Crown Crystal: Crown Crystal Gallery
Lattice and Daisy, Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Gallery, Dugan-Diamond Tumblers, NetworK #75
Lattice and Daisy (Contemporary): NetworK #75
Lattice and Grape, Fenton: Fenton Tumblers, Fenton Gallery
Lattice and Leaves, Brockwitz: Brockwitz Gallery, NetworK #99
Lattice and Points, aka Vining Twigs, Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Gallery
Lattice Hearts (exterior), Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Gallery
Laura, Hortensja: NetworK #46
Laurel Band, Riihimaki: Riihimaki Tumblers, Riihimaki Gallery
Laurier Nelly, Inwald: Collectors Facts, Inwald Gallery, NetworK #99
Lea (#1078), Sowerby: Sowerby Gallery
Lea with Herringbone (2861), Sowerby: Sowerby Gallery
Leaf, Brockwitz: Brockwitz Gallery, Collectors Facts, In a Pickle!
Leaf / Esberard Leaf, Esberard, Brazil: NetworK #83
Leaf, Imperial (Contemporary): Aurora Jewels
Leaf and Beads, Northwood: Northwood Gallery, Great Alaskan Mystery
Leaf and Little Flowers, Millersburg: Millersburg Gallery, Radium Glass
Leaf and Orange Tree (aka Fenton's Flowers/Orange Tree), Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton’s Teal Marigold, Fenton's Orange, Fenton Red 1976, 1970 Reissues, Fenton's Spruce Green, Fenton Revival 1970
Leaf Basket, aka Dogwood Sprays, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton's Spruce Green
Leaf Chain, Fenton: Fenton Gallery, Glass for its time, Needlecraft, Network #6
Leaf Columns, Northwood: Northwood Gallery
Leaf Garden / Nuart Leaf Garden, Imperial: Imperial Gallery, Glassware for Illumination
Leaf Rays, Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Gallery, Nappies on Parade
Leaf Swirl, Westmoreland: Westmoreland Gallery
Leaf Tiers, Fenton: Fenton Gallery, Fenton Tumblers
Leafy Triangle, maker unconfirmed: Collectors Facts
Leda and the Swan, Zabkowice - see Golden Boy with Swan
L E Smith #388 Heritage Series, aka Omnibus, OMN Keystone (Contemporary): L E Smith
LGW Shell, LGW: Leinauer Glaswaren "LGW"
Liberty Bell, Wheatoncraft #100 & #146, Wheatoncraft (Contemporary): NetworK #87
Licoreira Bolinha, Esberard, Brazil: Esberard by Claudio Deveikis
Lighthouse Tiles, John Cook Studios (Contemporary): John Cook
Lightning Stars, Riihimaki: Riihimaki Tumblers
Lily of the Valley, Fenton: Fenton Tumblers
Lily of the Valley, Fenton (Contemporary): Lily of the Valley Moulds, Fenton Red 1993
Lily of the Valley vase, Sklo Union: Sklo Union Vases
Lily Panels, maker unknown: Other European Tumblers
Lily Pons, Indiana Glass (Contemporary): Indiana Glass, "Goldentone"
Lily Vase, Crown Crystal: Collectors Facts, Lily vases in the Press, NetworK #52
Lindal, Hortensja: NetworK #46
Lindisfarne (Sowerby #2240), Sowerby: Collectors Facts
Lined Lattice, Dugan-Diamond: Collectors Facts, Dugan-Diamond Gallery, Lined Lattice mould, Carnival Colours, NetworK #104
Lion figurine #5241, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton Red 1990-91
Lions, Fenton: Fenton Gallery
Lions, Fenton (Contemporary) : Fenton Old & New, Fenton's Spruce Green
Lions Foot, aka 3-Toed, Pioneer Glass Co. for Save Imperial Committee (Contemporary): Lions Foot, NetworK #98
Little Barrel, Imperial: Imperial Gallery
Little Beads, Westmoreland: Westmoreland Gallery
Little Bo-Peep, aka Bo-Peep, United States Glass: US Glass Gallery, NetworK #84
Little Branch, aka Raminho, unknown South America: Butters from Brazil
Little Brown Church / Christmas 1970, Fenton (Contemporary): NetworK #104, Fenton Revival 1970
Little Daisies, Fenton: Collectors Facts, Fenton Gallery
Little Fishes, Fenton: Fenton Gallery
Little Flowers, Fenton: Fenton Gallery, Red Carnival Glass, NetworK #3, G Sommers 1910, NetworK #101
Little Grape aka Uvinha, Unknown (South America): Butters from Brazil2
Little Leaves, Riihimaki: Carnival Displays
Little Rosary, aka Rosarinho, Esberard, South America: South America Gallery, Butters from Brazil
Little Segment, aka Gominho, Esberard, South America: Collectors Facts
Little Stars, Millersburg: Millersburg Gallery
Little Tower (akaTorrinha), Esberard, South America: South America Gallery
Loganberry, Imperial: Imperial Gallery, Imperial Vases - "Catalog 100B", NetworK #91
Loganberry, Imperial (Contemporary): Aurora Jewels, Imperial Revival 1960s, Imperial Pink (LIG / ALIG), NetworK #91, Amethyst Revival
Loganberry aka Strawberry Relish, (Contemporary) Indiana Glass: Indiana Glass, NetworK #7, "Goldentone"
Long Hobstar, Imperial: Read All About It, Imperial Gallery, NetworK #106
Long Thumbprint, Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Gallery
Long Thumbprint, Fenton: Fenton Gallery
Long Thumbprint Hobnail, Fenton: Fenton Gallery
Loop de Loop (Brillant Medaillons), Inwald: Collectors Facts, Inwald Gallery
Lotus and Lotus Variant, Fenton: Fenton Enamelled Tumblers
Lotus, aka Indiana #7055 Compote, Indiana Glass (Contemporary): Lime Carnival
Lotus and Grape, Fenton: Fenton Gallery, Carnival Colours
Lotus and Grape / Absentee Grape, Fenton: Fenton Gallery
Lotus and Poinsettia (aka Water Lily), Fenton: Fenton Gallery, Carnival Colours
Lotus Flower (Spear Quartet style), Jain: Indian tumbler gallery
Lotus Land, Northwood: Northwood Gallery
Louis 14th, Imperial (Contemporary): Sunburst Yellow
Louis XIV, MacBeth-Evans: Triumph & Tragedy
Louisa, Westmoreland: Other USA Gallery
Louise (Luise), Brockwitz and also South America (aka Karen): Collectors Facts, Brockwitz Gallery, South American Discoveries
Lourdes, Kralik: Carnival Displays
Love Bird, aka Lovebird #8268 and #8477, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton and Verlys, Fenton’s Cobalt Marigold, Fenton Red 1976
Lovely, Northwood: Northwood Gallery
Lovers Stein, aka Troubadour, aka Wedding Stein, Westmoreland (Contemporary): NetworK #72, Westmoreland Revival
Lucile, Cristalerias Papini, Argentina: Collectors Facts, South America Tumblers, South America Gallery
Lules, Cristalerias Piccardo: South America Gallery
Luna, Luna #42, Luna #45, Northwood: Triumph & Tragedy
Lustre and Clear, Imperial: Imperial Gallery, NetworK #73
Lustre Corn Vase, Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Gallery
Lustre Flute, Northwood: Northwood Gallery, Great Alaskan Mystery, NetworK #111
Lustre Rose, Imperial: Imperial Gallery, Imperial Tumblers, Lee Manufacturing, Lee Manufacturing 1925, Perry G Mason, Read All About It, Montgomery Ward Part 1, How Carnival was sold, A Rose By Any Other Name, Imperial By Name, G Sommers 1926, NetworK #96, Gazooks Special Lots
Lustre Rose, Imperial (Contemporary) - see Rose / Roses
Lustre Rose, L E Smith (Contemporary): Smith 1988 catalogue, Cobalt Blue 1986-7
Luxemburg Crown (Contemporary), Fenton: Fenton Red 2010, NetworK #89
Lyre, OMN Saturn, Turnbull 543 Range: Turnbull Revelations!
Lyyra, Riihimaki: NetworK #69, Riihimaki Gallery
Macisa (Contemporary), South America: NetworK #49
Madonna Bell, aka Mother and Child Bell #9467, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton Red 1976
Madonna of the Goldfinch (Mother's Day Series), Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton 1972
Magnolia and Drape, Fenton: Fenton Gallery, Fenton Enamelled Tumblers
Magpie, Crown Crystal: Crown Crystal Gallery
Mailand, VEB Sachsenglas: Collectors Facts
Malaga, Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Gallery
Majestic, McKee: Tumbler Museum
Mandala, Esberard, Brazil: NetworK #103
Manhattan, U S Glass: Network #78
Mandarin Vase (Contemporary), Fenton: Fenton and Verlys, Fenton’s Teal Marigold
Many Fruits, Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Gallery
Many Loops and Daisy, Brockwitz: Collectors Facts, Brockwitz Gallery
Many Stars, Millersburg: Millersburg Gallery, Millersburg Back Patterns
Mão de Deus, Esberard, Brazil: Esberard by Claudio Deveikis
Maple Leaf, Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Tumblers, Dugan-Diamond Gallery, NetworK #101
Maple Leaf, Westmoreland (Contemporary): Westmoreland Revival, NetworK #97
Maple Leaf Basket, Turnbull: Collectors Facts, Matthew Turnbull Discovery
Maria Candlestick, Brockwitz & Fenne Fake: Collectors Facts, Fenne Fakes
Marilyn, Millersburg: Millersburg Tumblers, Millersburg Gallery
Marlin water ambered glass: Marlin Glass
Marquette comport #9279, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton’s Cobalt Marigold
Martini. La Rochere, France: Collectors Facts
Mary Ann, Dugan-Diamond and Modern Reproduction: Mary Ann, Dugan-Diamond Gallery, NetworK #3
Mary Dugan vase, Mosser (Contemporary): NetworK #3
Mary Gregory, Unknown: Unattributed Tumblers
Massachusetts, US Glass: Other USA Tumblers
Match Holder, Imperial - see Penny Match Holder
Matterhorn, Brockwitz: Brockwitz Tumblers
May Baskets, Turnbull: Collectors Facts, Other English Gallery, Matthew Turnbull Discovery
Mayfair: A A Importing 1996
Mayflower (aka Imperial's #678), Imperial (Contemporary): Story Behind the Glass, NetworK #91
Mayflower, Millersburg: Millersburg Back Patterns
Maze vase, Sklo Union: Sklo Union Vases
Mazurka, Hortensja: Poland, Kutzscher Designs
Meander, exterior pattern, Northwood: Northwood Gallery, NetworK #66
Melon (lampshade), Imperial: Glassware for Illumination
Melon Rib, Crown Crystal: Collectors Facts, Crown Crystal Gallery, Melon Rib - The Proof, Melon Rib Revelations, Network #45
"Melon Rib" style vase, Cristallerie SI-AN: NetworK #9
Melon Vase #5351, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton's Spruce Green
Memphis, Northwood: Northwood Gallery
Memphis, Contemporary Fake: Fake Carnival Glass, Northwood Fakes
Mermaid Planter, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton and Verlys, NetworK #104, Fenton Revival 1970
Mikado, Fenton: Fenton Gallery, Perry G Mason, Montgomery Ward Part 2, NetworK #83
Milady, Fenton: Fenton Tumblers, Fenton Gallery
Milhinho, probably Esberard, Brazil: NetworK #67
Millersburg Courthouse and Unlettered version, Millersburg: Millersburg Gallery, NetworK #102
Millersburg Holly - see Holly, Millersburg
Millersburg Poppy, Millersburg: Millersburg Back Patterns
Miniature Hobnail (aka Koh-i-Noor), Brockwitz: Brockwitz Gallery, NetworK #16
Mirror / Handled Mirror, Imperial (Contemporary): Sunburst Yellow
Mirror and Crossbars, India: Indian Tumblers
Mirrored Lotus, Fenton: Fenton Gallery
Mirrored Peacocks, maker unknown (India): Indian Tumblers
Mitre and Circle (Contemporary), aka Diamond and Rib in Classic, Fenton: Fenton Gallery, Fenton 1991 catalog
Mitred Diamond, L E Smith (Contemporary): Crystal catalogue
Mitred Ovals, Millersburg: Millersburg Gallery
Moda, Zabkowice: Collectors Facts
Monsoon, probably Advance Glass Works: Indian Tumblers, Story Behind the Glass
Monticello Basket, Indiana Glass (Contemporary): Indiana Glass, Florist Selection
Moon and Star, L E Smith (Contemporary): L E Smith, Crystal catalogue, Ruby Carnival
Moonprint, Brockwitz: Brockwitz Gallery, Brilliant Brockwitz, Carnival Butters, Collectors Facts, NetworK #97
Moonwalk, LGW: Leinauer Glaswaren "LGW"
Morgan Dollar plate, L E Smith (Contemporary): L E Smith, Green / Plates catalogue
Morning Glory miniature pitcher, Fenton (Contemporary): NetworK #68
Morning Glory, Imperial: Imperial Gallery, Cox and Lafferty, Carnival Colours, NetworK #72, NetworK #86
Morning Glory, Millersburg: Millersburg Tumblers
Moule Medaillons, Bayel: Collectors Facts, Other European Makers. Network #45
Mouse #5148, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton’s Cobalt Marigold
Muller, Eda: Eda Gallery
Mundo Bom, aka Good World, Esberard, Brazil: Collectors Facts, Esberard by Claudio Deveikis
Multi-Fruits and Flowers, Millersburg: Millersburg Tumblers, Millersburg Gallery
Muscadine, maker unknown: Indian Tumblers
Mystery Grape, probably Brockwitz: Brockwitz Gallery, Untangling The Gordian Knot, Collectors Facts
Mystic Grape, South America: Network #44, South America Gallery
Nanna, Eda: Eda Gallery
Nautilus, Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Gallery, NetworK #19, NetworK #77, Trademarks
Near Cut / Near Cut #2658, Cambridge: Other USA Tumblers, Other USA Gallery
Near Cut, Northwood: Northwood Tumblers, Northwood Gallery
Near Cut Wreath, Millersburg: Millersburg Back Patterns
Nesting Swan, Millersburg: Millersburg Gallery, Millersburg Back Patterns, Carnival Colours
Night Stars, Millersburg: Millersburg Gallery, Nappies on Parade
Nightwish, Karhula: Kutzscher Designs, NetworK #93
Nine Sixteen (#916), Fenton: Fenton Gallery, Carnival Vases, Swung Vases, Montgomery Ward Part 2, NetworK #85
Nippon, Northwood: Northwood Gallery
Niterói, Esberard, Brazil: Esberard by Claudio Deveikis
Nola, Inwald: Inwald Tumblers, Inwald Gallery
Norris N. Smith Real Estate & Insurance, Rome Ga., Fenton: Fenton Gallery
Northern Lights, OMN Imperat, Brockwitz: Brockwitz Gallery, Brilliant Brockwitz, NetworK #107
Northern Star (exterior pattern), Fenton: Fenton Gallery
North Star, aka Lancaster 502 Line, Lancaster Glass: NetworK #106
Nuart Coral Shell / Coral Shell, Imperial: Glassware for Illumination
Nuart Greek Key / Greek Key, Imperial: Glassware for Illumination
Nuart Leaf Garden / Leaf Garden, Imperial: Glassware for Illumination
Nuart Drape / Nuart Pastel Drape, Imperial: Glassware for Illumination
Nuart Melon, Imperial: Glassware for Illumination
Nuart Plain, Imperial: Glassware for Illumination
Nuart Primrose Panels / Primrose Panels, Imperial: Imperial Lighting
Nuart Smooth Panel, Imperial: Glassware for Illumination
Nuart Stippled Rib / Stippled Rib, aka Stippled with Clear Pillars, Imperial: Imperial Gallery, Bright Iridescent Shades, Glassware for Illumination
Nugget (Contemporary), Pilgrim Glass: Blast from the Past
Nursery Rhyme mug, aka Storybook mug, Imperial (Contemporary): Aurora Jewels, Hobby Lobby
Nutmeg Grater, Brockwitz: Brockwitz Gallery
Octagon, aka The Bellaire, aka #505, Imperial: The Story Behind the Glass, Perry G Mason, Imperial Tumblers, Imperial Gallery, Gazooks Special Lots
Octagon (Contemporary), Imperial: Octagon and its lookalikes, Pink Carnival, NetworK #91
Octagon Variant (Heirloom, Indiana Heirloom), contemporary, Indiana: Collectors Facts, Seeing Red
Octet, Northwood: Northwood Gallery
Odell, Quincy Jewler, Fenton: Story Behind The Glass
Ohio Star, Millersburg: Millersburg Gallery
Ohio Star #409 / "Nortec", L E Smith (Contemporary): L E Smith, Amethyst catalogue, Amber/Crystal catalogue, Green / Plates catalogue
Ohlson, Eda: Eda Gallery
Oklahoma, Cristales Mexicanos: South America Tumblers, South America Gallery
Olde Virginia Glass, made by Fenton: Olde Virginia Glass
Old Quilt, aka Checkerboard, aka #500, Westmoreland: Other USA Gallery, Other USA Tumblers, Westmoreland Revival
Olympic Tudor and Beads, Jain: Indian Tumblers
Omnibus, U S Glass and possibly Cristalerias Papini, Argentina: Collectors Facts, US Glass Gallery, South America Tumblers, South America Gallery
Omnibus, L E Smith #388 Heritage Series, OMN Keystone (Contemporary): L E Smith
Onni, Riihimaki / Kauklahti: Collectors Facts, Riihimaki Gallery
Open Edge Basket, Fenton: Fenton Gallery, NetworK #96
Open Edge Basket / Feldman Bros Furniture, Fenton: Fenton Gallery
Open Edge Basket, aka Basket Weave, (Contemporary) Fenton: Fenton’s Cobalt Marigold, Fenton’s Teal Marigold, Fenton Red 1991, Fenton Red 1976, Fenton Revival 1970
Open Edge / Open Lattice Bell (Contemporary), Fenton: Fenton’s Teal Marigold
Open Opals, aka Beaded Panels, Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Gallery, Collectors Facts, NetworK #104
Open Rose, Imperial: Imperial Gallery, Perry G Mason, Carnival Colours, King of China, Imperial By Name, G Sommers 1926, NetworK #98, Gazooks Special Lots
Optic and Buttons, Imperial: Imperial Gallery, G Sommers 1926
Optic Flute, Imperial: Imperial Gallery, NetworK #108
Optic Flute with Frosted Grapes, Imperial: Bright Iridescent Shades
Orange Peel, Westmoreland: Other USA Gallery
Orange Tree Video: Howard Seufer Presents...
Orange Tree, Fenton: Fenton Gallery, Fenton Tumblers, Lee Manufacturing, Perry G Mason, Story Behind The Glass, Montgomery Ward Part 1, NetworK #34,
NetworK #53, NetworK #69, NetworK #82, NetworK #86, NetworK #96
Orange Tree (aka Leaf and Orange Tree), (Contemporary) Fenton: Fenton’s Teal Marigold, Fenton's Orange, Fenton Red 1976, 1970 Reissues, Fenton's Spruce Green, Fenton Revival 1970
Orange Tree Variant tumbler, Fenton: Fenton Tumblers, NetworK #34, Story Behind The Glass
Orange Tree Variant pitcher, Fenton: Fenton Gallery, NetworK #34, Story Behind The Glass
Orange Tree and Cherry / Cherry Chain interior, (Contemporary) Fenton: Fenton’s Cobalt Marigold, Fenton 1972, Fenton Red 1992, Story Behind The Glass, Fenton’s Teal Marigold
Orange Tree Orchard, Fenton: Fenton Tumblers, Fenton Gallery, Story Behind The Glass
Orange Tree Scroll, Fenton: Fenton Tumblers, Fenton Gallery, Story Behind The Glass
Orchid Platter #2974, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton and Verlys
Order of the Crown of India (aka Coronation, aka Imperial Crown), India: India Gallery, NetworK #89
Oregon, aka Beaded Jewel, Imperial (Contemporary): Pink 1978-82, Sunset Ruby
Oriental Peacock (Contemporary), AA Importing/Korea: NetworK #61
Oriental Poppy, Northwood: Northwood Tumblers, Thousand Pitcher Show, Carnival Colours
Origami, aka Paperchain, maker unknown, probably Rosice: Carnival Displays, Other Czech Gallery, "The Unknown Maker"
Orizaba, Lancaster Glass: NetworK #105
Ornate Beads, Karhula: Collectors Facts, Carnival Colours
Orphan Annie, Westmoreland (aka #294 / #295, aka Cairo): Collectors Facts, Other USA Gallery, Westmoreland Revival
Ostersund, Eda: Eda Gallery, Collectors Facts
Oval and Round, Imperial: Imperial Gallery
Oval Centre Bowl, aka Indiana No. 301, Indiana Glass (Contemporary): Indiana Glass
Owl #5254, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton's Light Amethyst
Owl, Imperial (Contemporary): Pink Carnival
Owls, Contemporary, Meeco Autolens, India: What a Hoot!
Oxford Cross (Oxford Diamonds exterior), maker unconfirmed: Collectors Facts
Palm Beach, US Glass: Other USA Tumblers, Carnival Butters, Other US Gallery
Palms and Ribs, Faglaviks: Fabulous Faglaviks
Pagoda Candy Box #8201, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton Red 1976
Pagoda cologne and atomiser, Taiwan (Contemporary): Collectors Facts
Paisley with Prisms #6703 (Contemporary), Fenton: Fenton Red 1993
Panaji Peacock Tail, probably Advance Glass Works: India Gallery
Panel vase, aka Fenton Panel vase, Fenton: NetworK #69, Fenton Gallery
Paneled 44, aka Athenia, US Glass: Other USA Gallery, NetworK #70, NetworK #71, NetworK #73
Paneled Feather, aka Feathers, Imperial (Contemporary): Sunset Ruby
Paneled Pineapple, Esberard, Brazil: Esberard by Claudio Deveikis
Panelled (aka Diamond) toothpick, Imperial (Contemporary): Aurora Jewels
Panelled (aka Panels), Crown Crystal: Crown Crystal Gallery
Panelled Cane - see Cane Panels
Panelled Daisy Covered Candy #9185, Votive #8294, Creamer #7207, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton Revival 1970, Fenton’s Teal Marigold, Fenton's Shell Pink, Fenton's Orange, Fenton Red 1992, Fenton Red 2001
Panelled Dandelion, Fenton: Fenton Tumblers
Panelled Diamonds and Bows, Fenton: NetworK #31
Panelled Fruit, aka Fruit, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton's Light Amethyst
Panelled Grape (aka Paneled Grape), Fenton (Contemporary): Contemporary Amethyst, Sunset Stretch, Fenton's Light Amethyst
Panelled Grape (aka Paneled Grape), Westmoreland (Contemporary): Westmoreland Revival
Panelled Holly, Northwood: Northwood Gallery, Great Alaskan Mystery
Panelled Treetrunk, Dugan: Dugan-Diamond Gallery, Blast from the Past, Collectors Facts, Carnival Vases, NetworK #44
Panels - see Panelled
Pansy, Fenton (Contemporary): Reissues and Reproductions
Pansy, Imperial: Imperial Gallery, Cox and Lafferty, In a Pickle!, Nappies on Parade, G Sommers 1926, NetworK #98, NetworK #111
Pansy, Imperial (Contemporary): Imperial Revival 1960s, Sunburst Yellow, Pink 1978-82, Amethyst Revival, Sunset Ruby
Pansy, L E Smith (Contemporary): Smith 1988 catalogue
Pansy Vase, Rosice/LiGlass (Contemporary): LiGlass Vacuum Iridising, NetworK #102
Panther, Fenton: Fenton Gallery, Carnival Colours, Carnival Glass Times, NetworK #86
Paperchain - see Origami
Paperweight (Imperial Paperweight), Imperial: Collectors Facts, Imperial Gallery
Parlour Panels, Imperial: Imperial Gallery, Carnival Colours, Network #8
Parquet (aka Crazy Paving, Stars and Lattice), maker unknown: Collectors Facts
Pastel Drape / Nuart Pastel Drape, Imperial: Glassware for Illumination
Pastel Swan - see Swan salt
Patricia, Brockwitz: Brockwitz Gallery, In a Pickle!
Patrician, aka Thebes, possibly Marinha Grande: Marinha Grande
Pattern Number 3723, LGW: Leinauer Glaswaren "LGW"
Peach, Northwood: Northwood Gallery, Northwood Tumblers
Peach and Pear / Apple and pear, Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Gallery, Montgomery Ward Part 1
Peacock, Millersburg: Millersburg Gallery
Peacock and Dahlia, Fenton: Fenton Gallery
Peacock and Dahlia Basket #6573 (Contemporary) Fenton: Fenton Red 1992
Peacock and Grape, Fenton: Fenton Gallery, Carnival Colours
Peacock and Urn, Fenton: Fenton Gallery, Carnival Colours, NetworK #86, NetworK #100
Peacock and Urn, Millersburg: Millersburg Gallery, NetworK #100
Peacock and Urn, Northwood: Northwood Gallery, Carnival Colours, NetworK #100
Peacock at the Fountain, Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Tumblers
Peacock at the Fountain, Northwood: Northwood Tumblers, Northwood Gallery, Comports, Carnival Butters, Triumph & Tragedy, NetworK #60, NetworK #101
Peacocks, Westmoreland for L G Wright (Contemporary): Westmoreland Revival
Peacocks (on the Fence), Northwood: Northwood Gallery, Northwood Fakes, Iridescence, Hipkins Mould Shop, Carnival Colours, Triumph & Tragedy
Peacocks (on the Fence) Fakes: Northwood Fakes, Fake Carnival Glass, Conboy & Plummer
Peacock Tail, Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Gallery
Peacock Tail, Fenton: Fenton Gallery, Seeing Red, How Carnival was sold, Story Behind The Glass, G Sommers 1910
Peacock Tail vase (named by Dorothy Taylor) #9155, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton Red 1976
Peacock Tail, India, maker unknown: Collectors Facts
Peacock Tail and Daisy, Westmoreland: Westmoreland Gallery
Peacock Tail Eye, aka Destiny, India, maker unknown: Collectors Facts
Peacock Tail Variant, Millersburg: Millersburg Gallery, Sell It To Me!
Pearly Dots, Westmoreland: Westmoreland Gallery
Pebble and Fan Vase, Libochovice (probably): Collectors Facts, Czech Gallery
Pebbles, Fenton: Fenton Gallery
Penny and Gentles (Advertising), Northwood: Northwood Gallery, The Story Behind The Glass
Penny Match Holder, Imperial: Imperial Gallery
Peoples Vase, Millersburg: Collectors Facts, Millersburg, Millersburg Gallery, Peoples Vase, Blast from the Past
Pepper Plant, Fenton: Fenton Gallery, Blast from the Past, NetworK #83
Perfection, Millersburg: Millersburg Gallery, Millersburg Tumblers
Perfume and Stopper #1940, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton Red 1993
Periwinkle, Northwood: Northwood Enamelled Tumblers
Pernilla, Contemporary, maker unknown: Pernilla, Network #7
Persian Garden, Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Gallery, NetworK #97
Persian Medallion, Fenton: Fenton Gallery, Charles Pratt, Fenton Masterpiece, Needlecraft, Embroidery, Hair Receivers, NetworK #96, NetworK #111
Persian Medallion, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton’s Cobalt Marigold, Fenton’s Teal Marigold, Fenton's Orange, Fenton Centenary, Fenton 1972, Fenton Red 1976, Fenton Revival 1970
Petal, Federal Glass (Contemporary): Federal's Carnival
Petal and Fan, Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Gallery
Petals, Northwood: Northwood Gallery
Peter Rabbit, Fenton: Fenton Gallery
Petit Pavè, South America, maker unknown: South America Gallery
Pie Wagon, Reber & Co. #4204, Fenton (Contemporary): Contemporary Amethyst
Pig #5220, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton’s Cobalt Marigold
Pigeon Vase #9873, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton and Verlys
Pillar and Drape, Northwood: Northwood Gallery, Triumph & Tragedy
Pillar Flute, Imperial: Imperial Gallery, Perry G Mason, NetworK #73
Pillar Ribbed, aka Flared Panels, Northwood: Northwood Gallery, Triumph & Tragedy
Pillars and Rings, India, maker unknown: Collectors Facts
Pillow and Sunburst (OMN Elite), Westmoreland: Other USA Gallery
Pinched Swirl, Dugan: Dugan-Diamond Gallery
Pineapple (Pineapple and Bows), Sowerby: Sowerby Gallery, Sowerby Blues, Sowerby Display, Network #8, NetworK #84, NetworK #88, NetworK #89
Pinecone, Fenton: Fenton Gallery, NetworK #31
Pin Ups, Crown Crystal: Crown Crystal Gallery, NetworK #13, King of China Part 2, NetworK #70
Pinwheel, #8227, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton's Orange, Fenton 1972, Fenton Red 1976, Fenton Revival 1970, Fenton’s Teal Marigold
Pinwheel, Hortensja: NetworK #46
Pinwheel, Imperial (Contemporary): Pink Carnival, NetworK #91
Pinwheel, Inwald: Inwald Gallery
Pinwheel (aka Derby), Sowerby: Sowerby Gallery, Sowerby Blues, Sowerby Display
Pinwheel (No. 2232), Sowerby: Sowerby Gallery
Pinwheel and Hobstar, aka Sunburst, L E Smith and Fenton (Contemporary): L E Smith, Amethyst (Smith), Amber/Crystal (Smith), Green/Plates (Smith), NetworK #46, Fenton’s Cobalt Marigold, Fenton 1991 catalog
Pioneer, Federal Glass (Contemporary): Federal's Carnival
Pipe Humidor, Millersburg: Millersburg Gallery, NetworK #93
Plaid, Fenton: Fenton Gallery, Charles Pratt, Carnival Colours
Plain / Nuart Plain (lampshade), Imperial: Glassware for Illumination
Plain, aka Five Rings, Crown Crystal: NetworK #68
Plain Jane, Imperial: Cox and Lafferty
Plantagenet, Reich: Czech Gallery
Platypus, made for Summerland, China (Contemporary): Carnival Glass from China
Playmates, India: Indian Tumblers
Plume Panels, Fenton: Fenton Gallery
Plume Panels, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton Revival 1970
Plume Panels and Bows: Iridescence, Other European Tumblers
Plums and Cherries, Northwood: Northwood Tumblers, Northwood Gallery
Plytec, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton’s Cobalt Marigold, Fenton's Light Amethyst
Pond Lily, Fenton: Fenton Gallery
Poinsettia, Imperial: Imperial Gallery, Billboard, NetworK #108
Poinsettia and Lattice, Northwood: Northwood Gallery, Triumph & Tragedy
Pony, Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Gallery, NetworK #91
Pony (Contemporary): Reissues and Reproductions, NetworK #91, Pony Revival
Pony, Westmoreland (Contemporary): Westmoreland Revival, NetworK #91
Poppy, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton Revival 1970
Poppy, Millersburg: Millersburg Back Patterns, Comports
Poppy, Northwood: Northwood Gallery, Carnival Colours
Poppy Basket #9633, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton’s Cobalt Marigold
Poppy Show, Imperial: Imperial Gallery, Imperial Vases - "Catalog 100B", NetworK #91
Poppy Show, Northwood: Northwood Gallery, Iridescence, Carnival Colours, Triumph & Tragedy, NetworK #96
Poppy Show, Fenton for Singleton Bailey (Contemporary): Network #23
Poppy Spray, Faglaviks: Fabulous Faglaviks, Nordic Gallery
Poppy Wreath, exterior on Amaryllis comport, Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Gallery
Portcullis (#2491), Sowerby: Sowerby Gallery
Pot of Diamonds, Cristalerias Papini: Collectors Facts, South America Gallery
Potpourri, Millersburg: Millersburg Back Patterns, Comports
Prague, Inwald: Collectors Facts, Inwald Gallery
Prayer Rug, Fenton: Fenton Gallery
Praying Boy and Girl #5200, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton’s Cobalt Marigold
Pretty Panels, Northwood: Northwood Enamelled Tumblers
Pretzel (Indiana #0748), Indiana Glass (Contemporary): "Goldentone"
Primrose, Millersburg: Millersburg Gallery, Millersburg Back Patterns
Primrose Panels / Nuart Primrose Panels, Imperial: Glassware for Illumination
Prince James, the "Unknown Maker": NetworK #12
Princesa, Cristaleria Piccardo: South America Gallery
Princess Candy Box, Indiana Glass (Contemporary): Indiana Glass, Indiana 1972
Princess Feather, Westmoreland (Contemporary): Westmoreland Revival
Princess Lace (aka Lace), Imperial (Contemporary): Aurora Jewels
Princeton (Coronet), Inwald: Inwald Gallery
Prism and Cane, aka Prism Panels (#3983), Sowerby: Sowerby Gallery
Prism and Daisy Band, (OMN Floral Ribbed), Jeannette Glass: NetworK #83, The Jeannette Glass Story
Prism and Pleats, maker unknown: Collectors Facts
Prisms, Westmoreland: Other USA Gallery
Propeller, Esberard, Brazil: Network #45, South America Gallery, Esberard by Claudio Deveikis
Propeller, Imperial: Imperial Gallery
Provence (aka Bars and Cross Box, Rivoli), Inwald: Collectors Facts, Inwald Tumblers, Inwald Gallery
Pulled Loop, Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Gallery, Swung Vases
Pump and Trough, Westmoreland (Contemporary): Westmoreland Revival
Pumpkin, art glass, maker unknown: NetworK #113
Puppy #5225, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton’s Cobalt Marigold, Fenton's Spruce Green
Puppy, Wheatoncraft #108, Wheatoncraft (Contemporary): NetworK #87
Puritan Comport #8625, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton Red 1990-91
Purple Glass Flower, Jeannette: The Jeannette Glass Story, Jeannette catalogues 1951 / 1964, NetworK #111
Puzzle (exterior), Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Gallery
Pyramid and File (#2477), Sowerby: Sowerby Gallery
Question Marks, Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Gallery
Quill, Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Gallery, Dugan-Diamond Tumblers, NetworK #88
Quilted Panels, Karhula: Karhula Tumblers
Quintec #9269, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton’s Cobalt Marigold
Quintec, L. E. Smith - see Heritage Series
Jacobean, aka No. 15317 Line, U.S. Glass: NetworK #79
Jacob's Ladder, U.S. Glass: U.S. Glass Gallery
Janovals, probably Sowerby: Collectors Facts, Sowerby Gallery
"Jaws", aka Shark, Wheatoncraft (Contemporary): NetworK #87
Jefferson Comport, Fenton (Contemporary): Contemporary Carnival, NetworK #113
Jefferson Davis plate, L E Smith (Contemporary): L E Smith
Jenny figurine, Mosser for Vi Hunter (Contemporary): NetworK #51, Network #52
Jewelled Heart, Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Tumblers
Jewelled Peacock, Sowerby: Sowerby Gallery
Jewellery, Beads, Buttons, Hatpins, Handbags and more: The Height of Fashion
Jewelry Holder, Imperial (Contemporary): Pink Carnival
J N Ledford (aka Cooleemee) plate, Fenton: Fenton Gallery
Joan of Arc, LGW: Leinauer Glaswaren "LGW"
Jobling #1054, Jobling: Collectors Facts, Other English Gallery
Josefine Wreath, Libochovice: Story Behind the Glass, Collectors Facts
Josef's Plumes, aka "The Canterbury", Inwald: Inwald Gallery, NetworK #82
Josh figurine, Mosser for Vi Hunter: NetworK #51, Network #52
Jove, aka #119, L E Smith (Contemporary): NetworK #102
Juanita, probably Brazilian: South America Gallery
Jupiter, Riihimkaki: The Story Behind The Glass, Riihimaki Gallery
Kaaro, Riihimaki: Riihimaki Tumblers
Kaleidoscope, aka Lancaster #482, aka Yukon Gold, Lancaster Glass: NetworK #105
Kamei Peacock Tail (Contemporary), Kamei Glass Co: Kamei Peacock Tail
Kangaroo, Crown Crystal: Collectors Facts, Crown Crystal Gallery, Network #6, Stamp of Approval
Kangaroo Fakes: Collectors Facts, Fake Carnival Glass
Kansas Line, Lancaster Glass: NetworK #105
Karelia Sweet, Riihimaki: Riihimaki Gallery
Karhula Fountains, Karhula: Karhula Tumblers
Kaunas Glass Vases (Contemporary), Lithuania: Kaunas Glass
Keyhole (exterior pattern), Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Gallery
Keystone (OMN), L E Smith #388 Heritage Series, aka Omnibus (Contemporary): L E Smith
Killarney (Indiana #2877), Indiana Glass (Contemporary): "Goldentone"
Kingfisher and Variant, Crown Crystal: Collectors Facts, Crown Crystal Gallery, Foy and Gibson, Read All About It, NetworK #88
Kingfisher Fakes: Collectors Facts, Fake Carnival Glass
King James, possibly Rosice, Czechoslovakia: Collectors Facts
Kings Crown Wedding Bowl, (Indiana #1256), Indiana Glass (Contemporary): Indiana Glass, "Goldentone"
Kinly, maker unknown, India: Indian Gallery, Indian Tumbler Gallery
Kite and Panel, Imperial (Contemporary): Aurora Jewels
Kitten #5119, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton’s Cobalt Marigold
Kittens, Fenton: Fenton Gallery
Kitty, Wheatoncraft #110, Wheatoncraft (Contemporary): NetworK #87
Kiwi, Crown Crystal: Crystal Gallery, Blast from the Past
Knotted Beads, Fenton: Fenton Gallery
Koala, made for Summerland (Contemporary): Collectors Facts
Koh-i-Noor (aka Miniature Hobnail), Brockwitz: Brockwitz Gallery, Brilliant Brockwitz
Kokomo, maker uncertain, probably Matthew Turnbull: Turnbull Teasers
Kookaburra, Crown Crystal: Collectors Facts, Crown Crystal Gallery, Network #6, Stamp of Approval, NetworK #88
Knobby Bull's Eye Bell, #9061 (Contemporary), Fenton: NetworK #110
Kristallo, Brockwitz: Brockwitz Gallery
Kullervo, Riihimaki: Carnival Displays
Kulor, Eda: Eda Gallery
La Bella Rose, Imperial: Imperial Revival 1960s
La Belle Rose, aka Rose Ware, Lancaster Glass: NetworK #105
Lace (aka Princess Lace, aka Imperial Lace, #505), Imperial: Aurora Jewels, Pink 1978-82, Imperial Revival 1960s
Lace Variant (aka Imperial #536, aka Star and Cane), Imperial: Octagon and its lookalikes, Imperial Revival 1960s
Lacinho (Liqueur Ball), Esberard, Brazil: Esberard by Claudio Deveikis
Lacy Dewdrop, Phoenix: Other USA Gallery
Lady's Shoe, Wheatoncraft #120, Wheatoncraft (Contemporary): NetworK #87
Lagerkrans, Eda: Eda Gallery, Kutzscher Designs
Lamb / Miniature Lamb, Imperial (Contemporary): Sunburst Yellow, Amethyst Revival
Lancaster #482, aka Yukon Gold, aka Kaleidoscope, Lancaster Glass: NetworK #105
Lance Vase #4559, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton and Verlys
Lapa, Esberard, Brazil: NetworK #103
La Rochelle (OMN for Four Seventy Four), Imperial: Imperial Gallery, Imperial Tumblers, Story Behind the Glass, Cox and Lafferty, Bright Iridescent Shades
Late Sunflower, aka White Cosmos, Jeannette: Bob Smith Tumbler Gallery, The Jeannette Glass Story, Jeannette catalogues 1951 / 1964, NetworK #111
Lattice, Crown Crystal: Crown Crystal Gallery
Lattice and Daisy, Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Gallery, Dugan-Diamond Tumblers, NetworK #75
Lattice and Daisy (Contemporary): NetworK #75
Lattice and Grape, Fenton: Fenton Tumblers, Fenton Gallery
Lattice and Leaves, Brockwitz: Brockwitz Gallery, NetworK #99
Lattice and Points, aka Vining Twigs, Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Gallery
Lattice Hearts (exterior), Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Gallery
Laura, Hortensja: NetworK #46
Laurel Band, Riihimaki: Riihimaki Tumblers, Riihimaki Gallery
Laurier Nelly, Inwald: Collectors Facts, Inwald Gallery, NetworK #99
Lea (#1078), Sowerby: Sowerby Gallery
Lea with Herringbone (2861), Sowerby: Sowerby Gallery
Leaf, Brockwitz: Brockwitz Gallery, Collectors Facts, In a Pickle!
Leaf / Esberard Leaf, Esberard, Brazil: NetworK #83
Leaf, Imperial (Contemporary): Aurora Jewels
Leaf and Beads, Northwood: Northwood Gallery, Great Alaskan Mystery
Leaf and Little Flowers, Millersburg: Millersburg Gallery, Radium Glass
Leaf and Orange Tree (aka Fenton's Flowers/Orange Tree), Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton’s Teal Marigold, Fenton's Orange, Fenton Red 1976, 1970 Reissues, Fenton's Spruce Green, Fenton Revival 1970
Leaf Basket, aka Dogwood Sprays, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton's Spruce Green
Leaf Chain, Fenton: Fenton Gallery, Glass for its time, Needlecraft, Network #6
Leaf Columns, Northwood: Northwood Gallery
Leaf Garden / Nuart Leaf Garden, Imperial: Imperial Gallery, Glassware for Illumination
Leaf Rays, Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Gallery, Nappies on Parade
Leaf Swirl, Westmoreland: Westmoreland Gallery
Leaf Tiers, Fenton: Fenton Gallery, Fenton Tumblers
Leafy Triangle, maker unconfirmed: Collectors Facts
Leda and the Swan, Zabkowice - see Golden Boy with Swan
L E Smith #388 Heritage Series, aka Omnibus, OMN Keystone (Contemporary): L E Smith
LGW Shell, LGW: Leinauer Glaswaren "LGW"
Liberty Bell, Wheatoncraft #100 & #146, Wheatoncraft (Contemporary): NetworK #87
Licoreira Bolinha, Esberard, Brazil: Esberard by Claudio Deveikis
Lighthouse Tiles, John Cook Studios (Contemporary): John Cook
Lightning Stars, Riihimaki: Riihimaki Tumblers
Lily of the Valley, Fenton: Fenton Tumblers
Lily of the Valley, Fenton (Contemporary): Lily of the Valley Moulds, Fenton Red 1993
Lily of the Valley vase, Sklo Union: Sklo Union Vases
Lily Panels, maker unknown: Other European Tumblers
Lily Pons, Indiana Glass (Contemporary): Indiana Glass, "Goldentone"
Lily Vase, Crown Crystal: Collectors Facts, Lily vases in the Press, NetworK #52
Lindal, Hortensja: NetworK #46
Lindisfarne (Sowerby #2240), Sowerby: Collectors Facts
Lined Lattice, Dugan-Diamond: Collectors Facts, Dugan-Diamond Gallery, Lined Lattice mould, Carnival Colours, NetworK #104
Lion figurine #5241, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton Red 1990-91
Lions, Fenton: Fenton Gallery
Lions, Fenton (Contemporary) : Fenton Old & New, Fenton's Spruce Green
Lions Foot, aka 3-Toed, Pioneer Glass Co. for Save Imperial Committee (Contemporary): Lions Foot, NetworK #98
Little Barrel, Imperial: Imperial Gallery
Little Beads, Westmoreland: Westmoreland Gallery
Little Bo-Peep, aka Bo-Peep, United States Glass: US Glass Gallery, NetworK #84
Little Branch, aka Raminho, unknown South America: Butters from Brazil
Little Brown Church / Christmas 1970, Fenton (Contemporary): NetworK #104, Fenton Revival 1970
Little Daisies, Fenton: Collectors Facts, Fenton Gallery
Little Fishes, Fenton: Fenton Gallery
Little Flowers, Fenton: Fenton Gallery, Red Carnival Glass, NetworK #3, G Sommers 1910, NetworK #101
Little Grape aka Uvinha, Unknown (South America): Butters from Brazil2
Little Leaves, Riihimaki: Carnival Displays
Little Rosary, aka Rosarinho, Esberard, South America: South America Gallery, Butters from Brazil
Little Segment, aka Gominho, Esberard, South America: Collectors Facts
Little Stars, Millersburg: Millersburg Gallery
Little Tower (akaTorrinha), Esberard, South America: South America Gallery
Loganberry, Imperial: Imperial Gallery, Imperial Vases - "Catalog 100B", NetworK #91
Loganberry, Imperial (Contemporary): Aurora Jewels, Imperial Revival 1960s, Imperial Pink (LIG / ALIG), NetworK #91, Amethyst Revival
Loganberry aka Strawberry Relish, (Contemporary) Indiana Glass: Indiana Glass, NetworK #7, "Goldentone"
Long Hobstar, Imperial: Read All About It, Imperial Gallery, NetworK #106
Long Thumbprint, Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Gallery
Long Thumbprint, Fenton: Fenton Gallery
Long Thumbprint Hobnail, Fenton: Fenton Gallery
Loop de Loop (Brillant Medaillons), Inwald: Collectors Facts, Inwald Gallery
Lotus and Lotus Variant, Fenton: Fenton Enamelled Tumblers
Lotus, aka Indiana #7055 Compote, Indiana Glass (Contemporary): Lime Carnival
Lotus and Grape, Fenton: Fenton Gallery, Carnival Colours
Lotus and Grape / Absentee Grape, Fenton: Fenton Gallery
Lotus and Poinsettia (aka Water Lily), Fenton: Fenton Gallery, Carnival Colours
Lotus Flower (Spear Quartet style), Jain: Indian tumbler gallery
Lotus Land, Northwood: Northwood Gallery
Louis 14th, Imperial (Contemporary): Sunburst Yellow
Louis XIV, MacBeth-Evans: Triumph & Tragedy
Louisa, Westmoreland: Other USA Gallery
Louise (Luise), Brockwitz and also South America (aka Karen): Collectors Facts, Brockwitz Gallery, South American Discoveries
Lourdes, Kralik: Carnival Displays
Love Bird, aka Lovebird #8268 and #8477, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton and Verlys, Fenton’s Cobalt Marigold, Fenton Red 1976
Lovely, Northwood: Northwood Gallery
Lovers Stein, aka Troubadour, aka Wedding Stein, Westmoreland (Contemporary): NetworK #72, Westmoreland Revival
Lucile, Cristalerias Papini, Argentina: Collectors Facts, South America Tumblers, South America Gallery
Lules, Cristalerias Piccardo: South America Gallery
Luna, Luna #42, Luna #45, Northwood: Triumph & Tragedy
Lustre and Clear, Imperial: Imperial Gallery, NetworK #73
Lustre Corn Vase, Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Gallery
Lustre Flute, Northwood: Northwood Gallery, Great Alaskan Mystery, NetworK #111
Lustre Rose, Imperial: Imperial Gallery, Imperial Tumblers, Lee Manufacturing, Lee Manufacturing 1925, Perry G Mason, Read All About It, Montgomery Ward Part 1, How Carnival was sold, A Rose By Any Other Name, Imperial By Name, G Sommers 1926, NetworK #96, Gazooks Special Lots
Lustre Rose, Imperial (Contemporary) - see Rose / Roses
Lustre Rose, L E Smith (Contemporary): Smith 1988 catalogue, Cobalt Blue 1986-7
Luxemburg Crown (Contemporary), Fenton: Fenton Red 2010, NetworK #89
Lyre, OMN Saturn, Turnbull 543 Range: Turnbull Revelations!
Lyyra, Riihimaki: NetworK #69, Riihimaki Gallery
Macisa (Contemporary), South America: NetworK #49
Madonna Bell, aka Mother and Child Bell #9467, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton Red 1976
Madonna of the Goldfinch (Mother's Day Series), Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton 1972
Magnolia and Drape, Fenton: Fenton Gallery, Fenton Enamelled Tumblers
Magpie, Crown Crystal: Crown Crystal Gallery
Mailand, VEB Sachsenglas: Collectors Facts
Malaga, Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Gallery
Majestic, McKee: Tumbler Museum
Mandala, Esberard, Brazil: NetworK #103
Manhattan, U S Glass: Network #78
Mandarin Vase (Contemporary), Fenton: Fenton and Verlys, Fenton’s Teal Marigold
Many Fruits, Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Gallery
Many Loops and Daisy, Brockwitz: Collectors Facts, Brockwitz Gallery
Many Stars, Millersburg: Millersburg Gallery, Millersburg Back Patterns
Mão de Deus, Esberard, Brazil: Esberard by Claudio Deveikis
Maple Leaf, Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Tumblers, Dugan-Diamond Gallery, NetworK #101
Maple Leaf, Westmoreland (Contemporary): Westmoreland Revival, NetworK #97
Maple Leaf Basket, Turnbull: Collectors Facts, Matthew Turnbull Discovery
Maria Candlestick, Brockwitz & Fenne Fake: Collectors Facts, Fenne Fakes
Marilyn, Millersburg: Millersburg Tumblers, Millersburg Gallery
Marlin water ambered glass: Marlin Glass
Marquette comport #9279, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton’s Cobalt Marigold
Martini. La Rochere, France: Collectors Facts
Mary Ann, Dugan-Diamond and Modern Reproduction: Mary Ann, Dugan-Diamond Gallery, NetworK #3
Mary Dugan vase, Mosser (Contemporary): NetworK #3
Mary Gregory, Unknown: Unattributed Tumblers
Massachusetts, US Glass: Other USA Tumblers
Match Holder, Imperial - see Penny Match Holder
Matterhorn, Brockwitz: Brockwitz Tumblers
May Baskets, Turnbull: Collectors Facts, Other English Gallery, Matthew Turnbull Discovery
Mayfair: A A Importing 1996
Mayflower (aka Imperial's #678), Imperial (Contemporary): Story Behind the Glass, NetworK #91
Mayflower, Millersburg: Millersburg Back Patterns
Maze vase, Sklo Union: Sklo Union Vases
Mazurka, Hortensja: Poland, Kutzscher Designs
Meander, exterior pattern, Northwood: Northwood Gallery, NetworK #66
Melon (lampshade), Imperial: Glassware for Illumination
Melon Rib, Crown Crystal: Collectors Facts, Crown Crystal Gallery, Melon Rib - The Proof, Melon Rib Revelations, Network #45
"Melon Rib" style vase, Cristallerie SI-AN: NetworK #9
Melon Vase #5351, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton's Spruce Green
Memphis, Northwood: Northwood Gallery
Memphis, Contemporary Fake: Fake Carnival Glass, Northwood Fakes
Mermaid Planter, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton and Verlys, NetworK #104, Fenton Revival 1970
Mikado, Fenton: Fenton Gallery, Perry G Mason, Montgomery Ward Part 2, NetworK #83
Milady, Fenton: Fenton Tumblers, Fenton Gallery
Milhinho, probably Esberard, Brazil: NetworK #67
Millersburg Courthouse and Unlettered version, Millersburg: Millersburg Gallery, NetworK #102
Millersburg Holly - see Holly, Millersburg
Millersburg Poppy, Millersburg: Millersburg Back Patterns
Miniature Hobnail (aka Koh-i-Noor), Brockwitz: Brockwitz Gallery, NetworK #16
Mirror / Handled Mirror, Imperial (Contemporary): Sunburst Yellow
Mirror and Crossbars, India: Indian Tumblers
Mirrored Lotus, Fenton: Fenton Gallery
Mirrored Peacocks, maker unknown (India): Indian Tumblers
Mitre and Circle (Contemporary), aka Diamond and Rib in Classic, Fenton: Fenton Gallery, Fenton 1991 catalog
Mitred Diamond, L E Smith (Contemporary): Crystal catalogue
Mitred Ovals, Millersburg: Millersburg Gallery
Moda, Zabkowice: Collectors Facts
Monsoon, probably Advance Glass Works: Indian Tumblers, Story Behind the Glass
Monticello Basket, Indiana Glass (Contemporary): Indiana Glass, Florist Selection
Moon and Star, L E Smith (Contemporary): L E Smith, Crystal catalogue, Ruby Carnival
Moonprint, Brockwitz: Brockwitz Gallery, Brilliant Brockwitz, Carnival Butters, Collectors Facts, NetworK #97
Moonwalk, LGW: Leinauer Glaswaren "LGW"
Morgan Dollar plate, L E Smith (Contemporary): L E Smith, Green / Plates catalogue
Morning Glory miniature pitcher, Fenton (Contemporary): NetworK #68
Morning Glory, Imperial: Imperial Gallery, Cox and Lafferty, Carnival Colours, NetworK #72, NetworK #86
Morning Glory, Millersburg: Millersburg Tumblers
Moule Medaillons, Bayel: Collectors Facts, Other European Makers. Network #45
Mouse #5148, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton’s Cobalt Marigold
Muller, Eda: Eda Gallery
Mundo Bom, aka Good World, Esberard, Brazil: Collectors Facts, Esberard by Claudio Deveikis
Multi-Fruits and Flowers, Millersburg: Millersburg Tumblers, Millersburg Gallery
Muscadine, maker unknown: Indian Tumblers
Mystery Grape, probably Brockwitz: Brockwitz Gallery, Untangling The Gordian Knot, Collectors Facts
Mystic Grape, South America: Network #44, South America Gallery
Nanna, Eda: Eda Gallery
Nautilus, Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Gallery, NetworK #19, NetworK #77, Trademarks
Near Cut / Near Cut #2658, Cambridge: Other USA Tumblers, Other USA Gallery
Near Cut, Northwood: Northwood Tumblers, Northwood Gallery
Near Cut Wreath, Millersburg: Millersburg Back Patterns
Nesting Swan, Millersburg: Millersburg Gallery, Millersburg Back Patterns, Carnival Colours
Night Stars, Millersburg: Millersburg Gallery, Nappies on Parade
Nightwish, Karhula: Kutzscher Designs, NetworK #93
Nine Sixteen (#916), Fenton: Fenton Gallery, Carnival Vases, Swung Vases, Montgomery Ward Part 2, NetworK #85
Nippon, Northwood: Northwood Gallery
Niterói, Esberard, Brazil: Esberard by Claudio Deveikis
Nola, Inwald: Inwald Tumblers, Inwald Gallery
Norris N. Smith Real Estate & Insurance, Rome Ga., Fenton: Fenton Gallery
Northern Lights, OMN Imperat, Brockwitz: Brockwitz Gallery, Brilliant Brockwitz, NetworK #107
Northern Star (exterior pattern), Fenton: Fenton Gallery
North Star, aka Lancaster 502 Line, Lancaster Glass: NetworK #106
Nuart Coral Shell / Coral Shell, Imperial: Glassware for Illumination
Nuart Greek Key / Greek Key, Imperial: Glassware for Illumination
Nuart Leaf Garden / Leaf Garden, Imperial: Glassware for Illumination
Nuart Drape / Nuart Pastel Drape, Imperial: Glassware for Illumination
Nuart Melon, Imperial: Glassware for Illumination
Nuart Plain, Imperial: Glassware for Illumination
Nuart Primrose Panels / Primrose Panels, Imperial: Imperial Lighting
Nuart Smooth Panel, Imperial: Glassware for Illumination
Nuart Stippled Rib / Stippled Rib, aka Stippled with Clear Pillars, Imperial: Imperial Gallery, Bright Iridescent Shades, Glassware for Illumination
Nugget (Contemporary), Pilgrim Glass: Blast from the Past
Nursery Rhyme mug, aka Storybook mug, Imperial (Contemporary): Aurora Jewels, Hobby Lobby
Nutmeg Grater, Brockwitz: Brockwitz Gallery
Octagon, aka The Bellaire, aka #505, Imperial: The Story Behind the Glass, Perry G Mason, Imperial Tumblers, Imperial Gallery, Gazooks Special Lots
Octagon (Contemporary), Imperial: Octagon and its lookalikes, Pink Carnival, NetworK #91
Octagon Variant (Heirloom, Indiana Heirloom), contemporary, Indiana: Collectors Facts, Seeing Red
Octet, Northwood: Northwood Gallery
Odell, Quincy Jewler, Fenton: Story Behind The Glass
Ohio Star, Millersburg: Millersburg Gallery
Ohio Star #409 / "Nortec", L E Smith (Contemporary): L E Smith, Amethyst catalogue, Amber/Crystal catalogue, Green / Plates catalogue
Ohlson, Eda: Eda Gallery
Oklahoma, Cristales Mexicanos: South America Tumblers, South America Gallery
Olde Virginia Glass, made by Fenton: Olde Virginia Glass
Old Quilt, aka Checkerboard, aka #500, Westmoreland: Other USA Gallery, Other USA Tumblers, Westmoreland Revival
Olympic Tudor and Beads, Jain: Indian Tumblers
Omnibus, U S Glass and possibly Cristalerias Papini, Argentina: Collectors Facts, US Glass Gallery, South America Tumblers, South America Gallery
Omnibus, L E Smith #388 Heritage Series, OMN Keystone (Contemporary): L E Smith
Onni, Riihimaki / Kauklahti: Collectors Facts, Riihimaki Gallery
Open Edge Basket, Fenton: Fenton Gallery, NetworK #96
Open Edge Basket / Feldman Bros Furniture, Fenton: Fenton Gallery
Open Edge Basket, aka Basket Weave, (Contemporary) Fenton: Fenton’s Cobalt Marigold, Fenton’s Teal Marigold, Fenton Red 1991, Fenton Red 1976, Fenton Revival 1970
Open Edge / Open Lattice Bell (Contemporary), Fenton: Fenton’s Teal Marigold
Open Opals, aka Beaded Panels, Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Gallery, Collectors Facts, NetworK #104
Open Rose, Imperial: Imperial Gallery, Perry G Mason, Carnival Colours, King of China, Imperial By Name, G Sommers 1926, NetworK #98, Gazooks Special Lots
Optic and Buttons, Imperial: Imperial Gallery, G Sommers 1926
Optic Flute, Imperial: Imperial Gallery, NetworK #108
Optic Flute with Frosted Grapes, Imperial: Bright Iridescent Shades
Orange Peel, Westmoreland: Other USA Gallery
Orange Tree Video: Howard Seufer Presents...
Orange Tree, Fenton: Fenton Gallery, Fenton Tumblers, Lee Manufacturing, Perry G Mason, Story Behind The Glass, Montgomery Ward Part 1, NetworK #34,
NetworK #53, NetworK #69, NetworK #82, NetworK #86, NetworK #96
Orange Tree (aka Leaf and Orange Tree), (Contemporary) Fenton: Fenton’s Teal Marigold, Fenton's Orange, Fenton Red 1976, 1970 Reissues, Fenton's Spruce Green, Fenton Revival 1970
Orange Tree Variant tumbler, Fenton: Fenton Tumblers, NetworK #34, Story Behind The Glass
Orange Tree Variant pitcher, Fenton: Fenton Gallery, NetworK #34, Story Behind The Glass
Orange Tree and Cherry / Cherry Chain interior, (Contemporary) Fenton: Fenton’s Cobalt Marigold, Fenton 1972, Fenton Red 1992, Story Behind The Glass, Fenton’s Teal Marigold
Orange Tree Orchard, Fenton: Fenton Tumblers, Fenton Gallery, Story Behind The Glass
Orange Tree Scroll, Fenton: Fenton Tumblers, Fenton Gallery, Story Behind The Glass
Orchid Platter #2974, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton and Verlys
Order of the Crown of India (aka Coronation, aka Imperial Crown), India: India Gallery, NetworK #89
Oregon, aka Beaded Jewel, Imperial (Contemporary): Pink 1978-82, Sunset Ruby
Oriental Peacock (Contemporary), AA Importing/Korea: NetworK #61
Oriental Poppy, Northwood: Northwood Tumblers, Thousand Pitcher Show, Carnival Colours
Origami, aka Paperchain, maker unknown, probably Rosice: Carnival Displays, Other Czech Gallery, "The Unknown Maker"
Orizaba, Lancaster Glass: NetworK #105
Ornate Beads, Karhula: Collectors Facts, Carnival Colours
Orphan Annie, Westmoreland (aka #294 / #295, aka Cairo): Collectors Facts, Other USA Gallery, Westmoreland Revival
Ostersund, Eda: Eda Gallery, Collectors Facts
Oval and Round, Imperial: Imperial Gallery
Oval Centre Bowl, aka Indiana No. 301, Indiana Glass (Contemporary): Indiana Glass
Owl #5254, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton's Light Amethyst
Owl, Imperial (Contemporary): Pink Carnival
Owls, Contemporary, Meeco Autolens, India: What a Hoot!
Oxford Cross (Oxford Diamonds exterior), maker unconfirmed: Collectors Facts
Palm Beach, US Glass: Other USA Tumblers, Carnival Butters, Other US Gallery
Palms and Ribs, Faglaviks: Fabulous Faglaviks
Pagoda Candy Box #8201, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton Red 1976
Pagoda cologne and atomiser, Taiwan (Contemporary): Collectors Facts
Paisley with Prisms #6703 (Contemporary), Fenton: Fenton Red 1993
Panaji Peacock Tail, probably Advance Glass Works: India Gallery
Panel vase, aka Fenton Panel vase, Fenton: NetworK #69, Fenton Gallery
Paneled 44, aka Athenia, US Glass: Other USA Gallery, NetworK #70, NetworK #71, NetworK #73
Paneled Feather, aka Feathers, Imperial (Contemporary): Sunset Ruby
Paneled Pineapple, Esberard, Brazil: Esberard by Claudio Deveikis
Panelled (aka Diamond) toothpick, Imperial (Contemporary): Aurora Jewels
Panelled (aka Panels), Crown Crystal: Crown Crystal Gallery
Panelled Cane - see Cane Panels
Panelled Daisy Covered Candy #9185, Votive #8294, Creamer #7207, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton Revival 1970, Fenton’s Teal Marigold, Fenton's Shell Pink, Fenton's Orange, Fenton Red 1992, Fenton Red 2001
Panelled Dandelion, Fenton: Fenton Tumblers
Panelled Diamonds and Bows, Fenton: NetworK #31
Panelled Fruit, aka Fruit, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton's Light Amethyst
Panelled Grape (aka Paneled Grape), Fenton (Contemporary): Contemporary Amethyst, Sunset Stretch, Fenton's Light Amethyst
Panelled Grape (aka Paneled Grape), Westmoreland (Contemporary): Westmoreland Revival
Panelled Holly, Northwood: Northwood Gallery, Great Alaskan Mystery
Panelled Treetrunk, Dugan: Dugan-Diamond Gallery, Blast from the Past, Collectors Facts, Carnival Vases, NetworK #44
Panels - see Panelled
Pansy, Fenton (Contemporary): Reissues and Reproductions
Pansy, Imperial: Imperial Gallery, Cox and Lafferty, In a Pickle!, Nappies on Parade, G Sommers 1926, NetworK #98, NetworK #111
Pansy, Imperial (Contemporary): Imperial Revival 1960s, Sunburst Yellow, Pink 1978-82, Amethyst Revival, Sunset Ruby
Pansy, L E Smith (Contemporary): Smith 1988 catalogue
Pansy Vase, Rosice/LiGlass (Contemporary): LiGlass Vacuum Iridising, NetworK #102
Panther, Fenton: Fenton Gallery, Carnival Colours, Carnival Glass Times, NetworK #86
Paperchain - see Origami
Paperweight (Imperial Paperweight), Imperial: Collectors Facts, Imperial Gallery
Parlour Panels, Imperial: Imperial Gallery, Carnival Colours, Network #8
Parquet (aka Crazy Paving, Stars and Lattice), maker unknown: Collectors Facts
Pastel Drape / Nuart Pastel Drape, Imperial: Glassware for Illumination
Pastel Swan - see Swan salt
Patricia, Brockwitz: Brockwitz Gallery, In a Pickle!
Patrician, aka Thebes, possibly Marinha Grande: Marinha Grande
Pattern Number 3723, LGW: Leinauer Glaswaren "LGW"
Peach, Northwood: Northwood Gallery, Northwood Tumblers
Peach and Pear / Apple and pear, Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Gallery, Montgomery Ward Part 1
Peacock, Millersburg: Millersburg Gallery
Peacock and Dahlia, Fenton: Fenton Gallery
Peacock and Dahlia Basket #6573 (Contemporary) Fenton: Fenton Red 1992
Peacock and Grape, Fenton: Fenton Gallery, Carnival Colours
Peacock and Urn, Fenton: Fenton Gallery, Carnival Colours, NetworK #86, NetworK #100
Peacock and Urn, Millersburg: Millersburg Gallery, NetworK #100
Peacock and Urn, Northwood: Northwood Gallery, Carnival Colours, NetworK #100
Peacock at the Fountain, Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Tumblers
Peacock at the Fountain, Northwood: Northwood Tumblers, Northwood Gallery, Comports, Carnival Butters, Triumph & Tragedy, NetworK #60, NetworK #101
Peacocks, Westmoreland for L G Wright (Contemporary): Westmoreland Revival
Peacocks (on the Fence), Northwood: Northwood Gallery, Northwood Fakes, Iridescence, Hipkins Mould Shop, Carnival Colours, Triumph & Tragedy
Peacocks (on the Fence) Fakes: Northwood Fakes, Fake Carnival Glass, Conboy & Plummer
Peacock Tail, Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Gallery
Peacock Tail, Fenton: Fenton Gallery, Seeing Red, How Carnival was sold, Story Behind The Glass, G Sommers 1910
Peacock Tail vase (named by Dorothy Taylor) #9155, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton Red 1976
Peacock Tail, India, maker unknown: Collectors Facts
Peacock Tail and Daisy, Westmoreland: Westmoreland Gallery
Peacock Tail Eye, aka Destiny, India, maker unknown: Collectors Facts
Peacock Tail Variant, Millersburg: Millersburg Gallery, Sell It To Me!
Pearly Dots, Westmoreland: Westmoreland Gallery
Pebble and Fan Vase, Libochovice (probably): Collectors Facts, Czech Gallery
Pebbles, Fenton: Fenton Gallery
Penny and Gentles (Advertising), Northwood: Northwood Gallery, The Story Behind The Glass
Penny Match Holder, Imperial: Imperial Gallery
Peoples Vase, Millersburg: Collectors Facts, Millersburg, Millersburg Gallery, Peoples Vase, Blast from the Past
Pepper Plant, Fenton: Fenton Gallery, Blast from the Past, NetworK #83
Perfection, Millersburg: Millersburg Gallery, Millersburg Tumblers
Perfume and Stopper #1940, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton Red 1993
Periwinkle, Northwood: Northwood Enamelled Tumblers
Pernilla, Contemporary, maker unknown: Pernilla, Network #7
Persian Garden, Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Gallery, NetworK #97
Persian Medallion, Fenton: Fenton Gallery, Charles Pratt, Fenton Masterpiece, Needlecraft, Embroidery, Hair Receivers, NetworK #96, NetworK #111
Persian Medallion, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton’s Cobalt Marigold, Fenton’s Teal Marigold, Fenton's Orange, Fenton Centenary, Fenton 1972, Fenton Red 1976, Fenton Revival 1970
Petal, Federal Glass (Contemporary): Federal's Carnival
Petal and Fan, Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Gallery
Petals, Northwood: Northwood Gallery
Peter Rabbit, Fenton: Fenton Gallery
Petit Pavè, South America, maker unknown: South America Gallery
Pie Wagon, Reber & Co. #4204, Fenton (Contemporary): Contemporary Amethyst
Pig #5220, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton’s Cobalt Marigold
Pigeon Vase #9873, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton and Verlys
Pillar and Drape, Northwood: Northwood Gallery, Triumph & Tragedy
Pillar Flute, Imperial: Imperial Gallery, Perry G Mason, NetworK #73
Pillar Ribbed, aka Flared Panels, Northwood: Northwood Gallery, Triumph & Tragedy
Pillars and Rings, India, maker unknown: Collectors Facts
Pillow and Sunburst (OMN Elite), Westmoreland: Other USA Gallery
Pinched Swirl, Dugan: Dugan-Diamond Gallery
Pineapple (Pineapple and Bows), Sowerby: Sowerby Gallery, Sowerby Blues, Sowerby Display, Network #8, NetworK #84, NetworK #88, NetworK #89
Pinecone, Fenton: Fenton Gallery, NetworK #31
Pin Ups, Crown Crystal: Crown Crystal Gallery, NetworK #13, King of China Part 2, NetworK #70
Pinwheel, #8227, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton's Orange, Fenton 1972, Fenton Red 1976, Fenton Revival 1970, Fenton’s Teal Marigold
Pinwheel, Hortensja: NetworK #46
Pinwheel, Imperial (Contemporary): Pink Carnival, NetworK #91
Pinwheel, Inwald: Inwald Gallery
Pinwheel (aka Derby), Sowerby: Sowerby Gallery, Sowerby Blues, Sowerby Display
Pinwheel (No. 2232), Sowerby: Sowerby Gallery
Pinwheel and Hobstar, aka Sunburst, L E Smith and Fenton (Contemporary): L E Smith, Amethyst (Smith), Amber/Crystal (Smith), Green/Plates (Smith), NetworK #46, Fenton’s Cobalt Marigold, Fenton 1991 catalog
Pioneer, Federal Glass (Contemporary): Federal's Carnival
Pipe Humidor, Millersburg: Millersburg Gallery, NetworK #93
Plaid, Fenton: Fenton Gallery, Charles Pratt, Carnival Colours
Plain / Nuart Plain (lampshade), Imperial: Glassware for Illumination
Plain, aka Five Rings, Crown Crystal: NetworK #68
Plain Jane, Imperial: Cox and Lafferty
Plantagenet, Reich: Czech Gallery
Platypus, made for Summerland, China (Contemporary): Carnival Glass from China
Playmates, India: Indian Tumblers
Plume Panels, Fenton: Fenton Gallery
Plume Panels, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton Revival 1970
Plume Panels and Bows: Iridescence, Other European Tumblers
Plums and Cherries, Northwood: Northwood Tumblers, Northwood Gallery
Plytec, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton’s Cobalt Marigold, Fenton's Light Amethyst
Pond Lily, Fenton: Fenton Gallery
Poinsettia, Imperial: Imperial Gallery, Billboard, NetworK #108
Poinsettia and Lattice, Northwood: Northwood Gallery, Triumph & Tragedy
Pony, Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Gallery, NetworK #91
Pony (Contemporary): Reissues and Reproductions, NetworK #91, Pony Revival
Pony, Westmoreland (Contemporary): Westmoreland Revival, NetworK #91
Poppy, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton Revival 1970
Poppy, Millersburg: Millersburg Back Patterns, Comports
Poppy, Northwood: Northwood Gallery, Carnival Colours
Poppy Basket #9633, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton’s Cobalt Marigold
Poppy Show, Imperial: Imperial Gallery, Imperial Vases - "Catalog 100B", NetworK #91
Poppy Show, Northwood: Northwood Gallery, Iridescence, Carnival Colours, Triumph & Tragedy, NetworK #96
Poppy Show, Fenton for Singleton Bailey (Contemporary): Network #23
Poppy Spray, Faglaviks: Fabulous Faglaviks, Nordic Gallery
Poppy Wreath, exterior on Amaryllis comport, Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Gallery
Portcullis (#2491), Sowerby: Sowerby Gallery
Pot of Diamonds, Cristalerias Papini: Collectors Facts, South America Gallery
Potpourri, Millersburg: Millersburg Back Patterns, Comports
Prague, Inwald: Collectors Facts, Inwald Gallery
Prayer Rug, Fenton: Fenton Gallery
Praying Boy and Girl #5200, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton’s Cobalt Marigold
Pretty Panels, Northwood: Northwood Enamelled Tumblers
Pretzel (Indiana #0748), Indiana Glass (Contemporary): "Goldentone"
Primrose, Millersburg: Millersburg Gallery, Millersburg Back Patterns
Primrose Panels / Nuart Primrose Panels, Imperial: Glassware for Illumination
Prince James, the "Unknown Maker": NetworK #12
Princesa, Cristaleria Piccardo: South America Gallery
Princess Candy Box, Indiana Glass (Contemporary): Indiana Glass, Indiana 1972
Princess Feather, Westmoreland (Contemporary): Westmoreland Revival
Princess Lace (aka Lace), Imperial (Contemporary): Aurora Jewels
Princeton (Coronet), Inwald: Inwald Gallery
Prism and Cane, aka Prism Panels (#3983), Sowerby: Sowerby Gallery
Prism and Daisy Band, (OMN Floral Ribbed), Jeannette Glass: NetworK #83, The Jeannette Glass Story
Prism and Pleats, maker unknown: Collectors Facts
Prisms, Westmoreland: Other USA Gallery
Propeller, Esberard, Brazil: Network #45, South America Gallery, Esberard by Claudio Deveikis
Propeller, Imperial: Imperial Gallery
Provence (aka Bars and Cross Box, Rivoli), Inwald: Collectors Facts, Inwald Tumblers, Inwald Gallery
Pulled Loop, Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Gallery, Swung Vases
Pump and Trough, Westmoreland (Contemporary): Westmoreland Revival
Pumpkin, art glass, maker unknown: NetworK #113
Puppy #5225, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton’s Cobalt Marigold, Fenton's Spruce Green
Puppy, Wheatoncraft #108, Wheatoncraft (Contemporary): NetworK #87
Puritan Comport #8625, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton Red 1990-91
Purple Glass Flower, Jeannette: The Jeannette Glass Story, Jeannette catalogues 1951 / 1964, NetworK #111
Puzzle (exterior), Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Gallery
Pyramid and File (#2477), Sowerby: Sowerby Gallery
Question Marks, Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Gallery
Quill, Dugan-Diamond: Dugan-Diamond Gallery, Dugan-Diamond Tumblers, NetworK #88
Quilted Panels, Karhula: Karhula Tumblers
Quintec #9269, Fenton (Contemporary): Fenton’s Cobalt Marigold
Quintec, L. E. Smith - see Heritage Series