Imperial Pink Revival Carnival.
Imperial commenced the production of Revival (Contemporary) Carnival Glass in the early 1960s to take advantage of the developing market for new, collectable Carnival Glass. This colour, Pink was made from 1978 to 1982 under the ownership of Lennox (marked LIG) and then Arthur Lorch (marked ALIG).
The pieces shown above are:
Rose / Imperial Rose (aka Lustre Rose) 8" 3-toed bowl, #42693 Tiger Lily 9oz. tumbler, #42050 Loganberry 10" vase, #42774 Lace / Imperial Lace (aka Octagon) toothpick holder, #42624 |
Rose / Imperial Rose 6" vase, #42751
Rose / Imperial Rose (aka Lustre Rose) butter and cover, #42615 Beaded Jewel 6½" box and cover, #42891 Pinwheel 6½" nappy, #42563 |
The pieces shown above are:
Hattie 7" bowl, #42684 Tiger Lily 3pt. pitcher, #42152 Robin mug, #42325 Colonial Bell (aka Suzanne Bell), #42844 Rose / Imperial Rose 3½" candleholder, #42784 |
Pansy handled nappy, #42574
Scroll Embossed 7½" crimped bowl, #42686 Beaded Block 5¼" deep bowl, #42680 (sometimes referred to as Frosted Block) Swan / Imperial Swan, #42930 |
The following two catalogue pages are thanks to and courtesy of Karen Welch.
The pieces shown above are:
Beads and Fan 5½" handled basket, #42643
Tiger Lily 3 pint pitcher, #42152 Tiger Lily 9 oz. tumbler, #42050 Lace / Imperial Lace (aka Octagon) toothpick holder, #42624 Cornucopia vase / toothpick holder 3”, #42528 Lace / Imperial Lace (aka Octagon) 8” vase #42764 |
Colonial Belle (aka Suzanne Bell) 6”, #42844
Rose / Imperial Rose 6" vase, #42751 Pinwheel 6½" nappy, #42563 Swan / Imperial Swan 4”, #42930 Four Leaf puff box and cover, #42581 Handled Mirror 8½", #42958 |
The pieces shown above are:
Owl jar and cover, #42900 Duck on Nest / Covered Duck. #42909 Hen on Nest / Covered Hen, #42926 Acanthus 5” compote, #42725 Windmill 9 oz tumbler, #42067 Windmill 3 pint pitcher, #42167 Acanthus 4-toed bowl 7”, #42707 Windmill 8” bowl, #42681 |
Bunny on Nest / Bunny, #42904
Hattie 10" banana bowl, #42687 Acanthus 3” candleholder, #42788 Star Medallion 6” footed compote, #42724 Hobnail Bell, #42340 Rose / Imperial Rose (aka Lustre Rose) 8" 3-toed bowl, #42693 Rose / Imperial Rose (aka Lustre Rose) 7” butter and cover, #42615 Cologne Bottle and Stopper, #42487 Jewelry Holder 3½", #42947 |
Imperial often revived old patterns and moulds that were used previously for Classic Carnival / EAPG production, but their Contemporary Carnival should bear their Imperial mark (IG, LIG or ALIG). Of the pieces shown in the catalogue pages above, these patterns were also made also in Classic (old) Carnival: Rose/Imperial Rose (known as Lustre Rose to Classic collectors), Tiger Lily, Loganberry, Lace/Imperial Lace (known as Octagon to Classic collectors), Hattie, Robin, Pansy, Scroll Embossed, Windmill, Star Medallion, and Frosted Block.
The Octagon pattern, originally called "The Bellaire" has an amazing story - read it here: Imperial's Octagon - The Story Behind the Glass.
The Octagon pattern, originally called "The Bellaire" has an amazing story - read it here: Imperial's Octagon - The Story Behind the Glass.
See more Imperial Revival Carnival catalogues, ads and related pattern information.
We have many more Imperial Revival Carnival Glass catalogues and ads,
covering the period from the 1960s through to their closure in 1984. They are all accessed from our Imperial Revival Homepage. Click on the image on the left, or go here: Imperial Revival Carnival |