A Pride of Peacocks - Sowerby's Carnival Glass
Glen & Stephen Thistlewood's presentation in 2007
It was an astonishing display as the pictures below demonstate - probably the largest ever display of Sowerby's Carnival Glass, covering almost every pattern they made in Carnival, all massed together, in many different shapes and representing all the colours (including the rare blues, aquas, black and vaseline).
Above: Sowerby's Derby aka Pinwheel vases in marigold, amethyst and rare blue - all three sizes!
In the centre, a trio of magnificent deco Sowerby Drape vases, with a black amethyst rosebowl in the Derby aka Pinwheel pattern.
An amethyst Wickerwork, Diamond Peaks centrepiece, Derby biscuit jar, Sowerby's #2266 (aka Chunky or English Hob & Button) centrepiece, plus various Derby vases. All pictures taken by Stephen Thistlewood See more Sowerby Carnival Glass in our Sowerby Gallery |