Glen & Stephen Thistlewood
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Bob Smith's Carnival Glass Tumbler Museum
Owned and Curated by Glen and Stephen Thistlewood
Classic USA Tumblers:
Geometric, Abstract and Miscellaneous
Beaded Diamond, marigold, maker unknown
Beaded Shell, marigold, Dugan-Diamond
Beaded Shell, purple, Dugan-Diamond
Double Star, green, Cambridge
Chatelaine, purple, Imperial
Checkerboard, amethyst, Westmoreland
Checkerboard, marigold, Westmoreland
Chesterfield, red, Imperial
Chesterfield, teal, Imperial
Concave Diamonds, celeste, Northwood
Concave Diamonds, russet, Northwood
Cone and Tie, purple, Imperial
Crabclaw, marigold, Imperial
Diamond Lace, marigold, Imperial
Diamond Lace, purple, Imperial
Diamonds, green, Millersburg
Diamonds, marigold, Millersburg
Double Star, amethyst, Cambridge
Fashion, purple, Imperial
Fashion, smoke, Imperial
Feather and Heart, amethyst, Millersburg
Fentonia, blue, Fenton
File, marigold, Imperial
Flute, purple, Imperial
Flute and Cane, marigold, Imperial
Gay Nineties, marigold, Millersburg
Gay Nineties, amethyst, Millersburg
Grapevine Lattice, blue, Dugan-Diamond
Grapevine Lattice, marigold, Dugan-Diamond
Grapevine Lattice, purple, Dugan-Diamond
Greek Key, green, Northwood
Greek Key, marigold, Northwood
Heart Band, marigold, McKee
Hobnail, amethyst, Millersburg
Hobnail, blue, Millersburg
Hobnail, green, Millersburg
Hobnail, marigold, Millersburg
Hobstar Band, marigold, possibly Lancaster
Inverted Coin Dot, marigold, Fenton
Jewelled Heart, white, Dugan-Diamond
Majestic, marigold, McKee
Marilyn, amethyst, Millersburg
Massachusetts, marigold, U S Glass
Octagon, green, Imperial
Octagon, marigold, Imperial
Octagon, purple, Imperial
Octagon, teal, Imperial
Perfection, marigold, Millersburg
Quill, marigold, Dugan-Diamond
Quill, purple, Dugan-Diamond
Rising Sun, blue, U S Glass
Rising Sun, marigold, U S Glass
Scale Band, blue, Fenton
Scale Band, marigold, Fenton
Soda Gold, marigold, Imperial
Soda Gold, smoke, Imperial
S-Repeat, marigold, Dugan-Diamond
Star and File, marigold, Imperial
Swirl, marigold, Northwood
Waffle block, marigold, Imperial