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Millersburg Carnival Glass Gallery
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A to Z of Millersburg Tumblers
Amazing back patterns
Acorn Comport, vaseline. Rare. Seeck Auctions.
Bernheimer bowl, blue
Big Fish ice cream shape, amethyst. Seeck Auctions
Big Fish 3-in-1 edge bowl, green
Blackberry Wreath bowl, blue
Blackberry Wreath ice cream shape, green,
Boutonniere comport, green. Dave Doty
Bullseye and Loop squatty vases, green and amethyst. Seeck Auctions
Butterfly and Corn vase, marigold. Rare
Campbell and Beesley handgrip plate, amethyst. Seeck Auctions
Cherries / Hanging Cherries sugar, marigold
Cherries / Hanging Cherries ice cream shape, green
Cherries / Hanging Cherries comport, amethyst. Seeck Auctions
Cherries / Hanging Cherries comport, green. Seeck Auctions
Cleveland Memorial ashtray, amethyst. Seeck Auctions
Cleveland Memorial ashtray, marigold. Rare. Seeck Auctions
Cosmos bowl, green. Seeck Auctions
Country Kitchen spooner, amethyst. Seeck Auctions
Courthouse bowl, amethyst, radium
Courthouse, ice cream shape bowl, amethyst. Seeck Auctions
Deep Grape comport, marigold. Seeck Auctions
Deep Grape comport, purple. Seeck Auctions
Diamonds pitcher, green
Dolphins comport, purple. Seeck Auctions
Elks BPOE Detroit, 1910 bowl, amethyst. Seeck Auctions
Elks BPOE Detroit, 1910 bowl, amethyst. 3 in 1 edge. Seeck Auctions
Elks Paperweight, green. Rare. Burns Auctions
Elks BPOE Detroit, 1910 ICS shaped bowl, amethyst. Burns Auctions
Elks Paperweight, amethyst. Rare. Burns Auctions
Feather and Heart pitcher, green. Seeck Auctions
Feather and Heart pitcher, vaseline. Rare.
Fleur de Lys bowl, green
Fleur de Lys square footed bowl, vaseline. Rare. Seeck Auctions
Gay Nineties pitcher, green. Two known. Seeck Auctions
Grape Leaves, amethyst. Courtesy Ann & Graham Sheldon
Grape Wreath Variant bowl, amethyst, radium
Hobnail (exterior), green. Seeck Auctions
Hobnail pitcher, blue. Rare. Seeck Auctions
Hobnail Swirl spittoon, amethyst
Hobnail Swirl vase, marigold.
Hobstar and Feather giant rosebowl, purple, courtesy Liana Brown. Scarce
Hobstar and Feather giant rosebowl, purple.
Holly Sprig bowl, marigold, radium. Rare
Holly Sprig Variant bowl, amethyst, with spider web centre
Holly Sprig 6 inch bowl, amethyst. Seeck Auctions
Holly Sprig spade shaped nappy, green. Seeck Auctions
Holly Sprig comport, marigold. Seeck Auctions
Holly Whirl card tray, green
Holly Whirl bowl, green. Seeck Auctions
Honeycomb and Hobstar vase, amethyst. Rare.
Leaf and Little Flowers comport, green
Little Stars bowl, green
Many Stars bowl, green, radium
Marilyn water set, marigold. Seeck Auctions
Mitered Ovals vase, green. Rare, courtesy Bob & Sandy Sage
Morning Glory tankard pitcher, purple. Courtesy Brian Daley. Rare
Multi-Fruits and Flowers punch bowl, amethyst. Millersburg Glass Museum
Nesting Swan bowl, green
Night Stars bon bon, amethyst. Dave Doty
Ohio Star vase (both aspects), purple. Rare. Seeck Auctions
Ohio Star swung vase, emerald green. Dave Doty
Peacock small bowl, 3-in-1 edge, amethyst. No bee
Peacock and Urn 10" bowl, blue. Seeck Auctions
Peacock and Urn ice cream shape, green
Peacock and Urn giant comport, amethyst. Seeck Auctions
Peacock and Urn giant comport, amethyst. Seeck Auctions
Peacock Tail Variant comport, green. Seeck Auctions
Peoples Vase, amethyst
Peoples Vases, green, blue, amethyst
Perfection pitcher, amethyst. Seeck Auctions
Perfection water set, amethyst. Courtesy Dave Doty
Pipe Humidor, green. Seeck Auctions
Poppy (Millersburg Poppy), amethyst. Seeck Auctions
Primrose bowl, green
Primrose bowl, marigold, radium. Seeck Auctions
Rays and Ribbons bowl, amethyst. Seeck Auctions
Rosalind, marigold, 3 in 1 edge. Seeck Auctions
Rose Columns vase, amethyst. Millersburg Glass Museum
Rose Columns vase, green
Seacoast pintray, amethyst. Seeck Auctions
Seacoast pin tray, green
Sunflower pintray, green. Seeck Auctions
Seaweed bowl, marigold
Strawberry Wreath tricorner bowl, amethyst. Seeck Auctions
Tracery bon bon, green. Seeck Auctions
Trout and Fly bowl, lavender, satin
Trout and Fly plate, marigold, one known. Courtesy Philip Kotsios
Tulip Scroll, 6.5" vase, amethyst. Seeck Auctions
Venetian giant rosebowl, marigold. Michael O'Brien
Vintage bowl, green. Seeck Auctions
Vintage bowl, marigold. Seeck Auctions
Whirling Leaves bowl, amethyst, radium. Seeck Auctions
Wide Panels (exterior), amethyst. Seeck Auctions
Wild Flower comport, amethyst. Rare. Seeck Auctions
Wild Flower comport, amethyst. Rare. Seeck Auctions
Wild Rose oil lamp (2 sizes), green and amethyst. Seeck Auctions
Wild Rose oil lamp detail. Seeck Auctions
Zig Zag tri-corner 3-in-1 edge bowl, amethyst
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