The Emerald Goddess
Thanks to Stan Hoegerman for all his help
Photos of the epergne are all courtesy and copyright Mike Krüger, Art & Antiques in the Bauhaus city of Dessau, Germany
Photos of the epergne are all courtesy and copyright Mike Krüger, Art & Antiques in the Bauhaus city of Dessau, Germany
This beautiful, iridescent epergne (centrepiece) appeared on the internet in June, 2019, surprising us with its exceptional glass and splendid colours. It is clearly similar in style – both in the metalwork as well as the glass – to the Goddess of Athena and associated epergnes. The beautiful green glass on the Emerald Goddess is in a pattern not yet seen by us on these epergnes. A 1914 catalogue from the store M. Liemann (see below) featured a series of epergnes, centrepieces and stands in metal and glass – one of which was described as being iridised. The Emerald Goddess featured here is clearly similar, in both its glass and its metalware. Our analysis and research of the Four Flowers Variant (published in 2018) revealed our belief that this pattern, and also the Goddess Epergnes, were made by Brockwitz of Germany. |
All photos of the epergne are courtesy and copyright
Mike Krüger, Art & Antiques in the Bauhaus city of Dessau, Germany. |
The dimensions are impressive. Height - 60cm (just over 23½ inches); width - 46cm (just over 18 inches); diameter of the large bowl - 26cm (10¼ inches).